In a significant development, Captain Alie Badara Kanu and Thaimu Bangura have been brought before the court, facing grave charges of treason in connection with an alleged conspiracy to overthrow the Sierra Leonean government.
The indictment outlines that the purported plot unfolded between June 2023 and March 2024.
It is alleged that Kanu operated a clandestine WhatsApp channel with unidentified collaborators, and together with Bangura, they formed a group named “Movement for the Restoration of Democracy.” This group is said to have played a central role in orchestrating efforts to undermine governmental authority.
Prosecutors allege that Kanu and Bangura recruited personnel from the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces, the Sierra Leone Police, and former military members.
They are also accused of acquiring weaponry and devising military strategies and codes to further their cause. Additionally, Bangura is purported to have managed weapon codes and distributed military deployment plans early in 2024.
The prosecution’s narrative includes allegations that the accused intended to exploit a violent protest to mask their operations.
Both Kanu and Bangura are accused of deliberately withholding critical information about their scheme from other involved parties.
During the latest court session, Detective Police Constable Sorie Conteh reported that key witnesses were missing. Defense Counsel M.Y. Kanu pressed the prosecution to produce their witnesses in the forthcoming session, highlighting the gravity of the accusations.
Magistrate Santigie Bangura has directed the prosecution to ensure that witnesses are present for the next court appearance.