In a devastating incident, a raging fire swept through a residence in Brigette Village, Tombo, resulting in the tragic loss of young lives.
The victims have been identified as Nadiatu Bendu, aged 2, Fatmata Turay, aged 3, and Mohamed Turay, aged 12. The fire erupted while they were resting inside their home, claiming their lives in a mysterious and overwhelming blaze.
Among the survivors, 6-year-old Philip Turay and his mother, Mabinty Turay, were severely burned during the fire outbreak. They are currently in critical condition and are receiving medical attention at the Tombo Government Hospital.
The landlord of the property, Abi Turay, is cooperating with local authorities as they conduct investigations into the circumstances surrounding the tragic incident.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the families affected by this heart-wrenching tragedy. As the community grieves the loss of these young lives, we hope for a swift and complete recovery for the injured victims.
Source: Media Team of Waterloo Division.