In a year marked by fiscal challenges, several African nations grapple with soaring fuel prices, amplifying the strain on economies already burdened by inflation in food and energy. Sierra Leone, positioned 7th in Africa and 50th globally, faces the repercussions as high fuel costs escalate transportation expenses, impacting goods and services pricing.
Governments, cognizant of the ripple effects, prioritize energy price regulation. For Sierra Leone, where gasoline serves not only transportation but also power production, households bear the brunt of the surging fuel prices. Industries relying heavily on transportation, such as logistics, manufacturing, and agriculture, encounter heightened operational costs, potentially leading to job cuts or increased product prices.
As countries strive for economic resilience, ensuring affordable fuel becomes pivotal.
The need to maintain moderate to low fuel prices is evident, given the far-reaching consequences of high fuel costs.
As of January 8, 2024, Sierra Leone ranks 7th in the top 10 African countries with the highest fuel prices, according to
This list mirrors the November 2023 rankings, reflecting the persistent challenges faced by these nations in the realm of fuel economics.
See full list below:
Rank Country Fuel price Global rank
1. Central Africa Republic $1.835 23rd
2. Senegal $1.654 35th
3. Seychelles $1.602 42nd
4. Morocco $1.561 46th
5. Zimbabwe $1.550 47th
6. Mauritius $1.536 48th
7. Sierra Leone $1.524 50th
8. Burundi $1.522 51st
9. Malawi $1.503 53rd
10. Ivory Coast $1.462 58th