By Dalton Shyllon
The President of the Sierra Leone Athletics Association (SLAA), Martin Momoh Bangura has arrived safely in Budapest to attend this year’s World Athletics Congress and by extension the World Athletics Championship Budapest 23.
The Congress which will feature top heads of Athletics Association members will discuss several developments issues worrying to athletics and projection that will move the trajectory on new global systems and rules.
Martin Momoh Bangura, President SLAA, is hopeful for a good representation and to make enormous contributions.
“I am grateful to represent my membership and to create an impact whilst representing them,” Martin assured.
President Martin also expressed his desire to have seen his athletes from Sierra Leone participating in this year’s championship but were denied entry visa to Hungary, which he described as unfortunate and serious matter to tackle.
“I wish to have seen our athletes in this year’s competition but they were refused entry visa which crates the impossibility,” he added.
World Athletics Championship Budapest 23 is presently ongoing where athletes from around the world will be hoping to set new records.