The National Council for Technical, Vocational and Other Academic Awards (NCTVA) has on Saturday August 12th, 2023 accredited three institutions in Lungi, Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom and Lokomasama, Port Loko District. The three institutions include: The Royal College of Management, Health and Technology, Tintafor Lungi, the Dr. Sheka Kanu College of Management and Technology, Lokomasama and the Lungi College of Education, Science and Technology at Kasongha.
At the Royal College, Dean of Students, Yusif Bangura welcomed all and sundry and described the day as remarkable. Director of the College, Francis Ken Foday informed all present about how the establishment of the college is a response on research on education, adding that the college will act as a service provider in aiding the development of the community. Local Unit Commander, Lungi Ranger Division, Supt. Sahr Nyuma said that education will help to reduce crime rate, whiles appreciating the venture. Aviation representative and a community stakeholder, Francis Deen appreciated and commended the initiative, whiles pledging that the aviation industry will continue to support the college especially on internships and industrial trainings on students.
At the Dr. Sheka Kanu College in Lokomasama, Presidential Spokesman, Alpha Khan described the event as fulfilling. He recalled how people had to struggle for education in yester-years, but stated that the people of Lokomasama now have the opportunity. He therefore urged them to make a judicious usage of the opportunity, whiles pledging to support the growth and development of the college at all times. Founder and Principal of the College, Foday Momoh Kanu expressed appreciation to NCTVA and urged his staff and students to be committed in achieving enviable aims and aspirations.
At the Lungi College of Education, Science and Technology, event moderator, Karilai Kamara said that it is a dream come true for the college and the chiefdom at large. Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom Speaker, Pa. Komrabai Maylie Kamara said that the Chiefdom has an aim of improving education. He therefore urged the leadership of the college to continue to leave up to expectations. He said that the community has already allocated 30 acres of land for the construction of a modern campus. Representative of the Commanding Officer, 15 Infantry Battalion, Lungi, Major Osman Kamara said that the establishment of the college was timely, adding that the RSLAF is poised to support the processes, noting that education can aid to transform nations. Principal of the college, Hakim Mohamed Sesay was appreciative of gains that have so far been made and promised to do more.
Komba Moiwa, Accreditation Officer, NCTVA gave a succinct overview of the Accreditation Process, whiles informing all colleges to be more prudent and result driven during the probation periods. He said that peer reviewed teams are always sent to institutions before approval. The Accreditation Certificates were handed over to the respective institutions/principals by the NCTVA head of delegation, Joseph T. Cole, who had served as Principal of the Government Technical Institute for over 25 years.