A meticulously planned series of police raids, directed by CSP Mr. Ibrahim M Sama, head of the Waterloo Police Division, resulted in the detention of 67 individuals, including fifty-seven men and ten women, hailing from various locations such as Tombo Junction, 555 Park, Gbeyshan, Deep-Eye Water, and Madina Wallahi village in Tombo.
The primary focus of the operation was to target ghettos and criminal hideouts, aiming to dismantle unlawful activities thriving within these areas.
Among the substantial evidence seized were significant quantities of Kush and Cannabis Sativa, as well as paraphernalia associated with the processing and distribution of narcotics, such as scales, scissors, and plastic bags.
The police took further action by dismantling makeshift structures, commonly known as “baffas,” which were often utilized by drug traffickers and users for their operations.
D/ASP Mr. Joseph B Lansana, the Crime Officer of Waterloo, confirmed that those apprehended will be brought before the Magistrate’s Court at King Yard, Waterloo, on Monday, August 21, 2023.
The community can expect more updates as the situation develops.