Implementation Update on the Agreement of National Unity
Dated: 12th December 2023
On the 18th October 2023 the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) and the All Peoples Congress (APC) Party signed the “Agreement of National unity” after a three days mediated dialogue facilitated by the Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion (ICPNC).
On the 1 November 2023, the team from the Government of Sierra Leone made a working visit to the national headquarters of the All Peoples Congress (APC) Party where the ‘parties’ of GoSL and APC jointly worked on and approved the document for tracking the roll out and implementation of the Resolutions contained in the ‘Agreement of National Unity’.
This document presents a status update of implementation of the ‘Agreement of National unity since sign-off on 18th October 2023 as follows:
Resolution (01): His Excellency the President to make a ‘National Address’ on dialogue, unity cohesion and peace.
Status: His Excellency the President Brig. Rtd. Dr. Julius Maada Bio made the address consistent with Resolution (01) on Tuesday 24th October 2023. The Address calling on unity and cohesion was well received by the citizens of the Republic. See link below for a copy of the Address. president-of-the-republic-of-sierra-leone-following-the-government-and-the-all-peoples- congress-peace-dialogue-in-freetown-tu/
Resolution (02): The APC will end its ‘non-participation in Governance
(1) All Members of Parliament of the APC have taken oath of office and are actively participating in Parliament.
(ii) All the Chairpersons and Mayors have taken oath of office and are in post.
(iii) Three (03) Councilors in Bo city council and one (01) Councilor in Bonthe municipal council are yet to subscribe to the oath of office because of scheduling challenges. However, they will all be sworn-in at the next opportunity by the Chief Administrators on the delegated authority of the Minister of Local Government and Community Affairs.
Resolution (03): His Excellency the President, in consultation with the APC party, will constitute a cross party Committee on Electoral Systems and Management Bodies Review with a three-way leadership nominated by the Government of Sierra Leone, the APC Party and Development Partners.
(i) The Team members from GoSL as well as that of the APC were proposed, endorsed, and approved by His Excellency the President Brig. Rtd. Dr. Julius Maada Bio. The proposed list as submitted by the APC Party was approved in its entirety without modifications.
(i) The Committee was launched by His Excellency the President on 21 November 2023 at State House. See link below for more information. president-of-the-republic-of-sierra-leone-at-the-official-launching-ceremony-of- the-independent-cross-party-committee-on-electoral-systems-and-managemen/
(iii) Initial meetings have been held by the GoSL and APC Co-chairs of the Committee.
(iv) The development of the Terms of Reference is progressing with Government of Sierra Leone and All Peoples Congress Party having prepared and exchanged their own draft Team copies for review and feedback.
(v) The inaugural Committee meeting is pending the assumption of office by the other Co-chair-the new UN Resident Coordinator who reported for duty in Sierra Leone on 6th December 2023.
Resolution (04): (a) Release of any Persons arrested, detained and/or imprisoned for alleged elections and civil protest: (b) Discontinuation of any politically motivated court cases against APC: (c) Support the fest: (b) Discontinua political party supporters internally and externally displaced due to political intimidation, attacks, and harassment: (d) That upon assumption of their elective governance positions, all elected APC officials (MPs, Mayors, Chairpersons, Councilors) will have the issue regarding entitlements addressed accordingly by appropriate authorities: (e) Parliament to address any issues as it relates to leadership, composition of committees and representation in international Parliaments on behalf of APC (Composition of Committees and International Parliaments must reflect APCs share of seats in accordance with the Constitution of Sierra Leone)
(i) During the attempted coup d’état on 26th November 2023, the Pademba Road central correctional services and other facilities were broken into, and all prisoners and detainees were released. In addition, detainees in Police cells across western area were released by the assailants. The security forces are working on tracking the inmates prior to the incidents of the 26th November, 2023.
(ii) The Government is reviewing the list submitted by the APC on a case-by-case basis to determine the nature of offences, but this activity has been put on hold until prisoners return or are recaptured. The government is asking the APC Party to support this process of return by all members, in particular all those on the list submitted to the Government of Sierra Leone.
(ⅲ) The Leadership of the House of Parliament and the APC MPs are working together consistent with their internal rules and procedures with regards to their conditions of service in Parliament.
Resolution (05): Both parties agree to the institutionalisation of an inter-party dialogue framework between the APC, the SLPP, and other political parties. This will be facilitated by the Government
(i) The Hon Chief Minister has commenced this process by sending correspondences addressed to Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) and Political Parties Regulation Commission (PPRC) to provide information of all registered Political parties.
(ii) The names and contact details of political party Chairmen and Secretary Generals have been submitted by PPRC.
(iii) The operational modalities for the dialogue are being discussed with PPRC (state entity with such mandate) and other associated government entities.
(iv) A final framework will be agreed on by all party representatives.
Resolution (06): Both parties commit to re-engineer and rekindle the relationships within the Potional socio-political ecosystem such as between His Excellency the President and former political leaders (former Presidents and Vice Presidents); the APC and ALPP leadership etc.
(i) It was suggested by the APC Leader (Dr Samura Kamara) during the 1st November, 2023 meeting at the APC party headquarters that the relationship between His Excellency the President Brig. Rtd. Dr. Julius Maada Bio and former President Ernest Bai Koroma “should be allowed to evolve”.
(ii) The former Vice President Hon Dr. Victor Foh and His Excellency the President do maintain regular contacts.
(iii) Former President Ernest Bai Koroma is currently under investigation for his role in the recent coup attempt against The Government of His Excellency President Brig. Rtd. Dr. Julius Maada Bio.
Resolution (07): The government of Sierra Leone and the APC party strictly condemn all citizens at home and abroad who incite violence, spread hate speech, and disrupt national cohesion (online and offline) and government will continue all efforts to bring those involved to justice
(i) The Government of Sierra Leone remains committed to addressing the continued security threats and disruption to peace and cohesion by the spreading to hate speeches.
(ii) The hate speeches continue; an attempted coup d’état was undertaken on 26th November 2023 and the security forces are currently undertaking investigations. Both the government and the APC have had press releases condemning hate speech. More needs to be done.
Resolution (08): There shall be actions and commitments by the Parties to implement the agreements reached during this mediated dialogue. To this end, the Government of Sierra Leone and the APC commit to the establishment of an independent committee of ‘Moral Guarantors’ whose membership shall be agreed by the Parties to support and monitor the implementation of this Agreement.
(i) The list of nominated Moral Guarantors (institutional representation) has been jointly developed by GoSL and APC.
(ii) Letters informing identified institutions of their nomination and seeking names
(iii) and details of representatives prepared by Hon Chief Minister and dispatched. Deadline for receipt of names of institutional representatives to serve as Moral Guarantors is 14th December 2023.
Hon. David M. Sengeh (PhD)
Chief Minister & Chief Government of Sierra Negotiator Peoples Congress mediated Dialogue