By Richmond B Tholley
I have been reliably informed by multiple sources in Mabonto, a town in Simiria Chiefdom, in the Northern District of Tonkolili that a 42 years old Hassan Jalloh who was reportedly beaten by a group of people from that town died on the night of Thursday, February 8th, 2024.
Jalloh was allegedly beaten with sticks and cutlasses by a group of known and identified people of Mabonto past Monday.
The family said they reported the matter to the police but the matter wasn’t treated with the utmost seriousness it deserves.
But the police are yet to confirm that assertion.
The family said one of the suspects was in detention but later freed by the police in Mabonto.
According to report, Jalloh’s health deteriorated and he died along the road when he was being transported to Magburaka to seek medication.
As I type, Jalloh’s dead body is lying at Mabonto.
Other sources contacted said they suspected some compromise aimed at burying the matter under the carpet.
The police are currently not available for comment.
Meanwhile, I’m closely monitoring the situation.
The deceased is a family man with a wife and five children.